3 Things You Need To Know About Getting Custody Of Your Grandchild

The number of children being raised by their grandparents is on the rise, with statistics showing a 64% increase over the last two decades. When parents aren't capable of providing for their children, a grandparent can step in to fill the void. If you are thinking of petitioning the court for custody of your own grandchildren, here are three things you will need to know in order to mount a successful case. [Read More]

Child Custody Evaluations: What You Need To Know

It would be wonderful for all concerned if important divorce issues like child custody could be worked out in advance, but all too often this becomes a contentious legal fight. If you and your spouse cannot sit down and work out a fair and workable child custody and visitation arrangement, the judge must do the deciding in a courtroom. Some judges use a custody evaluator to help them make the custody decision. [Read More]

Personal Injury Cases: 5 Types Of Damages That Can Be Claimed

If you are injured in an accident because of another person's negligence, you may be considering a personal injury claim. Whether your compensation is awarded by a settlement or ordered by a judge, the compensation for your injuries will be based on your damages. Here are some of the damages that may be recovered through your personal injury case: Medical Costs The cost of the medical care that you have received for your injuries is reimbursable, but so is the cost of your anticipated care. [Read More]

How To Eliminate Income Tax Entanglements Caused By A Former Spouse

Divorcing couples eventually realize that separation also affects their tax return status. Along with the decline of a relationship, there is sometimes an element of financial deception. Divorced or separated individuals who have been assessed tax balances because of the erroneous actions of a spouse can petition the IRS for relief. When a couple selects the tax return status of married filing jointly, both persons are legally responsible for the return. [Read More]